3 Things to Do When Implementing a Cloud Solution

Cloud-based solutions are becoming increasingly common in multiple industries. In the medical field, cloud computing has opened the doors for physicians to harness robust processing capabilities that would otherwise require costly hardware.

However, implementing a cloud-based solution may seem like a daunting task. There are a handful of possible IT concerns that may need to be addressed, and it can be difficult to know where to start. This can lead to long implementation delays.

Here are three things that you can do if you become interested in a cloud-based solution to remove ambiguity, mitigate IT concerns, and ensure that implementation is as smooth as possible.

1. Get your IT department involved as early as possible.

When you are considering implementing a cloud-based solution at your site, include an IT representative in any initial conversations you may have with a vendor. This will allow them to ask any questions they may have earlier in the process and avoid delays later in the implementation process.

2. Let your IT department know that you are interested in implementing a cloud-based solution, and ask if there are any specific forms or processes that need to be completed by the vendor.

These forms could deal with things like cybersecurity, data storage, system integrations, or a host of other topics. While a vendor may be able to predict some of the required information, they may not know everything that will be needed to implement a solution at your specific institution.

By gathering and sending this request for information to the vendor in the early stages of implementation, you are allowing the vendor to address the specific needs of your site.

3. Ask the vendor for any information or materials that they may have regarding topics like cybersecurity, data storage, or system integrations (for example, a network diagram).

This information can be forwarded to your institution’s IT department and will allow them to determine if more information is needed or if they have additional questions as you proceed through the implementation process.

Helping facilitate the transfer of information between the vendor and your institution’s IT department will allow the cloud-based solution to be implemented quickly, which means you can begin reaping the benefits!

Dan Darkow
Written by Dan Darkow

Dan Darkow is a Team Lead and Project Manager on the Clinical Science Team at MIM Software. Dan works closely with many different teams at MIM Software to understand the needs and opportunities presented by customers. He has also led development and implementation projects to bring new and innovative software solutions to market, including Contour ProtégéAI.